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Tameside SSP
The National annual Santa Dash is here! Gather your pupils in to be part of a national simultaneous Christmas fun run on this day on...
INTENT: Our annual sports quiz- will your team get a full house with tough questions on the world of sport! AUDIENCE: Any year group, teams...
INTENT: This is not a competitive event but an event to encourage children who may have low confidence to build their confidence in front of...
INTENT: A fun dodgeball event with some competition but mostly music and face paint! Christmas themed! AUDIENCE: Mixed gender event in Y3/4. Wear neon outfits...
Please bring your best teams to this event.
COST: £15 per school (Cheques made payable to Tameside Athletics Development Group - NOT TAMESIDE SPORTS TRUST). If schools don’t wish to enter but individuals...
Please bring your best teams to this event.
Please bring your best teams to this event.
INTENT: Competitive event which is part of a pathway to finals. AUDIENCE: Year 5/6s mixed event for your most confident and competent children who must...
INTENT: Fun, developmental but competitive event AUDIENCE: Y3/4/5/6 pupils with SEND. 6-8 pupils in a team.
INTENT: Competitive event which is part of a pathway to finals. AUDIENCE: Year 5/6s mixed event for your most confident and competent children who must...
INTENT: Competitive event which is part of a pathway to finals. AUDIENCE: Year 5/6s mixed event for your most confident and competent children who must...
INTENT: Competitive but developmental AUDIENCE: 3 boys and 3 girls on the court. Year 3/4. Any ability but is competitive.
Please bring your best teams to this event.
Please bring your best teams to this event.
INTENT: Competitive event where the top team will compete at a final. AUDIENCE: Y5/6 mixed event needing a min of 18 children (9 boys and...
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