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Tameside SSP
This workshop will provide opportunities to all KS2 Primary School teachers and support staff to develop the delivery of high-quality, developmentally appropriate Gymnastics within the PE curriculum by:
– Understanding the principles and concepts of Physical Literacy
– Developing fundamental movement skills of all pupils
– Enhancing teaching of the basics of gymnastics, alongside progression, achievement and challenge
– Developing knowledge to support pupils to choose, link skills, create and perform short movement phrases, sequences.
– Understanding how to practically adapt activities for all young people
– Ensuring an understanding of developing the whole child; embedding life skills through the vehicle of gymnastics
This workshops will be delivered: From 12.30 to 15.00). It will combine the opportunity for discussion and practical application. The workshop deliverer, Karen Erikson, will also signpost attendees to available online resources.
Get in touch
If you have any questions or comments please get in touch.
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